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As I went through my personal healing process I learned I needed to mirror self-compassion. I could give it to anyone. That was never the issue. The issue was I held myself to such a high standard that even I could not be able to reach it. Seriously, I was drowning in self-reluctance to trust that I had needs that required attention.

I used to beat myself up, I pushed and pushed myself to the point of becoming a shell physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I forgot myself in the mix of meeting others needs before mine. It all came down to not understanding self-worth. 


This is where my story begins, learning to believe in myself, remove barriers of resistance and move with divine flow.


My take aways is about connecting with how you feel, think and approach life.  Learning the best lesson is to be honest about who you are, facing fears, breaking old patterns, being incredibly curious and trying new things. I began to explore and chose to lead a life of creativity.  


Guess what creativity is. Its expressing yourself in the way that fits you. It's so cool when you just let go and do what makes you feel good.

Work with me through women's circles, card readings or one on one medium mentorship. Learn to listen to your heart strings, the intuitive piece of you that is your soul-song. Find your life purpose and see yourself as the amazing and unique being your are. 

I work with individuals and groups with the intention for Women to be  heard, seen, and witnessed in their journey and transitions through life. 

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ја сам_цц781905-5цде-3194-бб3б-136бад5цф58д_женског интуитивног_цц781905-5цде-3194-бб3б-136бад5цф58д_, присутан и дубоко повезан са божанским и духовношћу. Ово ми омогућава да осетим основне енергије оних око мене, да разазнам емоционалну основу и потребе друге особе, осетим околину и доживим је другачије, и видим шта други можда не примећују. Нудим смернице, разумевање и саосећање на љубазан начин да помогнем другима да пређу у тешким временима и стекну перспективу њихове тренутне ситуације. Као природни исцелитељ, користим интуицију, алате за прорицање и окупљања жена да бих поделио како можете ићи унутра, веровати у себе и веровати куда вас воде.

Моје путовање

The Circles, Women Gatherings and the SisterCircle program are inspired from the wisdom and teachings of the women who came into my life, mentors, friends, generations of the women before me, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother all touched with sacred insight, combined with my gypsy spirit (my mom used to call me that), as I pursued the freedom to express myself. My teachings have not all been based on one particular way or guidance.  My Spiritual Alchemy is woven with knowledge, curiosity, exploration, new learnings and trusting my intuition. Meditation, Women groups  and using Divination tools expanded my ability to see my life experiences and the path I am manifesting.  Opening my vulnerability without judgement I sought and gained knowledge of Eastern and Western, holistic and energy practices to balance my health of the Body, Mind and Soul, all while experiencing depression, lack of worth and profound anxiety. My learnings have led me to be fierce and bold so that I hold compassion for myself and others.  I explored creative and healing therapies Art, Journaling, Dance and Writing and more! Living with Intention I learned Shamanic Jouneying and the importance of Ritual and Ceremony in everyday life. This is me,  Ruzica Feminine Intuitive

Радим са појединцима и групама, као што су Женски кругови. То је место где се жене окупљају и седе у Светом кругу створеном са намером да се жене осећају саслушано, виђено, одржано и сведочено на свом путовању и транзицији кроз живот._цц781905-5цде-3194-бб3б-136бад5цф58д_

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